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'powers'. Among various groups of powers the following five are most frequently met with in the texts: (1) faith (saddha^, q.v.), (2) energy (viriya, q.v.), (3) mindfulness (sati, q.v.), (4) concentration (sama^dhi, q.v.), (5) wisdom (pan~n~a^, q.v.).
Their particular aspect, distinguishing them from the corresponding 5 spiritual faculties (indriya, q.v.), is that they are unshakable by their opposites: (1) the power of faith is unshakable by faithlessness (unbelief); (2) energy, by laziness; (3) mindfulness, by forgetfulness; (4) concentration, by distractedness; (5) wisdom, by ignorance (see Pts.M., n~a^na Katha^). They represent, therefore, the aspect of firmness in the spiritual faculties.
According to A.V. 15, the power (1) becomes manifest in the 4 qualities of the Stream-winner (sota^pannassa anga^ni, q.v.), (2) in the 4 right efforts (s. padha^na), (3) in the 4 foundations of mindfulness (satipattha^na, q.v.), (4) in the 4 absorptions (jha^na, q.v.), (5) in the (full comprehension of the) 4 Noble Truths (sacca, q.v.) .
Cf. S. XLVIII, 43; S. L. (Bala Samyutta).
In A. VII, 3, the powers of moral shame (hiri, q.v.) and moral dread (ottappa) are added to the aforementioned five Several other groups of 2 (s. patisankha^na-bala), 4, 5 and more powers are mentioned in the texts. - About the 10 powers of a Buddha, s. dasa-bala.
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