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hiri ottappa
'moral shame and moral dread', are associated with all karmically wholesome consciousness (s. Tab. II).
"To be ashamed of what one ought to be ashamed of, to be ashamed of performing evil and unwholesome things: this is called moral shame. To be in dread of what one ought to be in dread of, to be in dread of performing evil and unwholesome things: this is called moral dread" (Pug, 79, 80).
"Two lucid things, o monks, protect the world: moral shame and moral dread. If these two things were not to protect the world, then one would respect neither one's mother, nor one's mother's sister, nor one's brother's wife, nor one's teacher's wife ...." (A. II, 7). Cf. ahirika. See Atthasa^lini Tr. I. pp. 164ff.
网友正在查: 谓更乐灭想便灭 , 应与展转与展转 , 应与忆律与忆律 , 鸺狐在燥樵积间 , 愿不食别请佛食 , 愿不着佛新故衣 , 觉知一切身入息 , 七怨家法而作怨家 , 不起觉想及已观想 , 不教不诃而难彼人 , 及余同法所不能坏 , 天魔梵沙门婆罗门 , 世间所念谛正之色 , 以道非道知见清净 , 出要远离诸清净分 , 各叉手向称叹求索 , 如来死后非有非无 , 如是比此身中余在 , 有一行非法说非法 , 有为有作而有所观 , 有众生自作有他作 , 有无食无食解脱者 , 汝依父母不相见者 , 何因何集何生何触 , 但自知休与他说为 , 我非为他而有所为 , 每至左右所为作时 , 彼彼法缘生彼彼法 , 彼所之诣寂静之众 , 于内外见而不尽者 ,