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出自:《南传佛教英文辞典 》

'faculties', is a name for 22, partly physical, partly mental, phenomena often treated in the Suttas as well as in the Abhidhamma. They are:

6 Bases (a^yatana, q.v.):
1. eye: cakkhu
2. ear: sota
3. nose: gha^na
4. tongue: jivha^
5. body: ka^ya
6. mind: mano
Sex (bhava, q.v.):
7. femininity: itthi
8. masculinity: purisa
9. vitality: ji^vita
5 Feelings (vedana^, q. v.)
10. bodily pleasant feeling: sukha
11. bodily pain: dukkha
12. gladness: somanassa
13. sadness: domanassa
14. indifference: upekkha^
5 Spiritual Faculties (s. bala)
15. faith: saddha^
16. energy: viriya
17. mindfulness: sati
18. concentration: sama^dhi
19. wisdom: pan~n~a^
3 Supermundane Faculties
20. the assurance: 'I shall know what I did not yet know!': an~n~a^tan~-n~assa^mi^t' indriya
21. the faculty of highest knowledge: an~n~indriya
22. the faculty of him who knows: an~n~a^ta^vindriya.

(1-5, 7-8) are physical; (9) is either physical or mental. All the rest are mental. - (14) (s. upekkha^) is here merely indifferent feeling (= adukkha-m-asukha^ vedana^, i.e. 'neither pleasant nor unpleasant feeling') and not identical with that highly ethical state of equanimity (= tatramajjhattata^, i.e. 'keeping everywhere the middle', the equipoise of mind), also called upekkha^ which belongs to the group of mental formations (sankha^ra-kkhandha; s. Tab II). - (20) arises at the moment of entering the Sota^patti-Path (sota^patti-magga), (21) on reaching the Sota^patti-Fruition (sota^patti-phala), (22) at attaining the Arahat-Fruition (arahatta-phala). For the three last, s. ariya-puggala.
The faculties, excepting (7) and (8), form one of the 24 conditions (paccaya 16, q.v.).
In Vibh. V all these faculties are treated in the above order, whereas S. XLVIII enumerates and explains them by way of the above indicated groups, leaving only 20-22 unexplained. See Vis XVI; Path 138ff. - For the 5 spiritual faculties (15-19), s. The Way of Wisdom (WHEEL 65/66).
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